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Coauthors | Henrik Ringbom |
Title | Competing norms in the law of marine environmental protection : focus on ship safety and pollution prevention |
Location | Orimattila Shipped the next business day |
Publisher | Kluwer Law International |
Publication year | 1997 |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Hardcover with cover picture (hardcover) |
Page count | 268 |
Language | English |
Series | International environmental law and policy series |
ISBN | 9041106995 |
Product condition | Good (K3) |
Other remarks | little dents edges and corners, little abrasion, slight skewing on spine |
Height (mm) | 240 |
Depth (mm) | 161 |
Width (mm) | 23 |
Weight (g) | 554 |
Tax Class | Marginaaliverotus |
Keywords | ympäristönsuojelu, turvallisuus, normit, oikeusnormit, meriensuojelu, kansainvälinen ympäristöoikeus, laivaliikenne, vesikulkuneuvot |