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Coauthors | Ari Siiriäinen & Antti Huttunen ym. |
Title | Early in the north, Vol. 5 |
Location | Orimattila Shipped the next business day |
Publisher | Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys |
Publication year | 2004 |
Edition | 1 |
Binding | Paperback (softcover) |
Page count | 155 |
Language | English |
Series | Early in the north Vol. 5; Iskos 13 |
ISBN | 951905751X |
Product condition | Good + (K3+) |
Other remarks | little abrasion covers, pencil markings on few pages, non-authorial inscription |
Height (mm) | 250 |
Depth (mm) | 177 |
Width (mm) | 12 |
Weight (g) | 378 |
Tax Class | Marginaaliverotus |
Keywords | tutkimus, esihistoria, arkeologia, kulttuuriantropologia, saamelaiset, ympäristöntutkimus, förhistoria, forskning, arkeologi, kulturantropologi, samer, siitepölyanalyysi, radiohiiliajoitus, kol-14-datering, miljöforskning, pollenanalys |