Géza Szilvay : Chamber Music for young string players I - Score & parts

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The imaginative and sparkling arrangements of Finnish and Hungarian folk songs by László Rossa in this collection "Chamber Music for young string players I" offer the possibility to play chamber music from the very beginning of instrumental studies. The third part is written for 3rd violin, viola and cello, and it applies mostly open strings.

The product includes the full score and parts parts (1st, 2nd & 3rd violin, viola, violoncello).

The possible combinations (also possible to play in orchestra):
3 violins
2 violins and a viola
2 violins and a cello
2 violins, a viola and a cello

Round Dance | Piiri pieni pyörii | Körtánc
Song of the Bear | Karhulaulu | Medve dal
The Sauna | Satu meni saunaan | Szaunadal
Pretty Lass | Flikka kaunis | A Szép leány
The Little Kitten | Pieni kissanpoika | Macskajáték
Our Goat | Meidän pukki | Volt nekem egy kecskebakom
Evening Song | Hyvää hyvää iltaa | Esti dal
Stork Song | Haikaralaulu | Gólya gólya gilice
The White Lily | Valkoinen lilja | Fehér liliomszál
Our Ram | Meidän pässi | Volt nekem egy kecském
The Little Duckling | Pieni ankanpoikanen | Kis kacsa fürdik
The Little Circle Goes Around | Piirileikki | Lánc lánc eszterlánc
The Little Colt | Varsalaulu | Sárga csikó
Tulip, Tulip | Tulppaani | Hej tulipán tulipán

* The description may refer to a different version of the product. Details mentioned in the description, such as accessories, may not be part of the product you have selected. For detailed information about the product you have selected, please refer to the feature list below.

More Information
AuthorGéza Szilvay
Co-authorsArranged by (music): László Rossa
TitleChamber Music for young string players I - Score & parts
☎ +358 40 541 9287 (weekdays from 8:00 to 15:00)
Copyright © Finlandia Kirja