Jarno Moilanen : From Flood to Fallen Kingdoms

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From Flood to Fallen Kingdoms (FFFK) is the first truly authoritative, detailed and coherent, young-earth creationist overview of the post-flood history of the ancient Near East (and the land of Israel), for laypersons and scholars alike. It is a unique work which does not have serious rivals in the biblical-creationist book market. The lack of a good and comprehensive introductory book was the main reason why I started to write the book in the first place.

I have made use of the best available scholarly literature, Christian as well as secular. The book contains a lot of my own research, but it is also in very good agreement with the archaeological articles written by A. J. M. Osgood (can be read at creation.com) and the books of David Down (Unwrapping the Pharaohs and Unveiling the Kings of Israel), for example. FFFK follows the absolute chronology of Floyd Nolen Jones' The Chronology of the Old Testament. As a Bible-faithful narrative introduction to the history and archaeology of the ancient Near East, From Flood to Fallen Kingdoms is far better than the existing apologetic works that come towards the genre of FFFK (Evidence for the Bible by Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards; Ancient Post-Flood History by Ken Johnson; The World's Story 1: The Ancients by Angela O'Dell, for example).

From Flood to Fallen Kingdoms will strengthen the faith of numerous believing readers who take the Holy Scriptures seriously. They will also be surprised to see how well the first five post-flood centuries, from Ararat to Abraham, which until now have been in great darkness, can be elucidated through proper interpretation of biblical and archaeological evidence.

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More Information
AuthorJarno Moilanen
TitleFrom Flood to Fallen Kingdoms
KeywordsBiblical history, ancient Near East, flood, Ancient Israel, Archaeology
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