Kreutzerini - Viola ABC
Géza Szilvay's Kreutzerini, here adapted for viola by David Banney, consists of 42 finger exercises for perfect intonation in the first position. These mini-studies were created to make learning and teaching "ear-led finger-stopping movements" even more effective and enjoyable with inventive and resourceful use of natural harmonics and left hand pizzicatos. Kreutzerini is a supplementary material for the Colourstrings Viola ABC Book B (ISMN 9790550112537), but it can be used independently as well. Have a look inside by clicking ”Sample”.
David Banneyn toimittama alttoviuluversio Géza Szilvayn Kreutzerinista koostuu 42 sormiharjoituksesta, joiden tarkoituksena on kehittää sävelkorvan ja sormien tarkkuutta alttoviulun ensimmäisessä asemassa mm. huiluääniä ja vasemman käden pizzicatoja hyödyntäen. Kokoelma on oheismateriaalia Colourstrings-alttoviulukoulun B-osaan (Colourstrings Viola ABC Book B, ISMN 9790550112537) mutta sen kappaleet toimivat hyvin myös itsenäisinä harjoituksina. Kurkkaa kirjan sisälle klikkaamalla ”Sample”.
* The description may refer to a different version of the product. Details mentioned in the description, such as accessories, may not be part of the product you have selected. For detailed information about the product you have selected, please refer to the feature list below.
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Co-authors | By (composer): Géza Szilvay Arranged by (music): David Banney |
Title | Kreutzerini - Viola ABC |
Keywords | alttoviulu, Colourstrings, Colourstrings Violin ABC, etydit |