Driving instructions to pickup box

When order's delivery method is set to "Pickup box in Orimattila", products can be picked up 24/7 - next to our door is a hatch with "NOUTOLAATIKKO" text for this purpose. We will send you a text message when the order is available for pickup. You may also call us (040 541 9287, business days 8-15) and request for earlier pick up.

Driving instructions below (Suksitie 10, 16300 Orimattila):

Ajo-ohje Finlandia Kirjan noutolaatikolle

Ajo-ohje Finlandia Kirjan noutolaatikolle 2

☎ +358 40 541 9287 (weekdays from 8:00 to 15:00)
Copyright © Finlandia Kirja