The social role and evolution of the teaching profession in historical context, Vol. 3 - Social conditions and prestige of teachers in different periods and in different countries and The level of general education and of professional training of teachers

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CoauthorsJarl Stormbom & Simo Seppo ym.
TitleThe social role and evolution of the teaching profession in historical context, Vol. 3 - Social conditions and prestige of teachers in different periods and in different countries and The level of general education and of professional training of teachers
Keywordshistoria, vertaileva tutkimus, opetus, opettajat, kasvatushistoria, ammatit, sosiaalinen asema, palkkaus, ammattikuva, opettajankoulutus, yrkesbild, undervisning, lärare, lärarutbildning, jämförande forskning, yrken, pedagogikens historia, social status, avlöning
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