Andrew Friedman & Kimberly Witherspoon : Don't Try this at Home - Culinary Catastrophes from the World's Greatest Chefs

5,50 €
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In this raucous new anthology, thirty of the world's greatest chefs relate outrageous true tales from their kitchens. From hiring a blind cook to butting heads with a crazed chef to witnessing security guards attacking hungry customers, these behind-the-scenes accounts are as wildly entertaining as they are revealing. A delicious reminder that even the chefs we most admire aren't always perfect, Don't Try This At Home is a must-have for anyone who loves food - or the men and women who masterfully prepare it.

* Kuvausteksti saattaa koskea teoksen toista versiota. Kuvauksessa mainitut yksityiskohdat, kuten mahdolliset oheistuotteet, eivät välttämättä ole osa valitsemaasi teosta. Valitsemasi teoksen tarkat tiedot löytyvät alla olevasta ominaisuusluettelosta.

TekijäAndrew Friedman & Kimberly Witherspoon
Teoksen nimiDon't Try this at Home - Culinary Catastrophes from the World's Greatest Chefs
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
Copyright © Finlandia Kirja