C. Rogers & Colin Rogersym. : Bäcklund and Darboux Transformations - Geometry and Modern Applications in Soliton Theory
This book explores the deep and fascinating connections that exist between a ubiquitous class of physically important waves known as solitons and the theory of transformations of a privileged class of surfaces as they were studied by eminent geometers of the nineteenth century. Thus, nonlinear equations governing soliton propagation and also mathematical descriptions of their remarkable interaction properties are shown to arise naturally out of the classical differential geometry of surfaces and what are termed Bäcklund-Darboux transformations.This text, the first of its kind, is written in a straightforward manner and is punctuated by exercises to test the understanding of the reader. It is suitable for use in higher undergraduate or graduate level courses directed at applied mathematicians or mathematical physics.
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Tuoteryhmä | |
Tekijä | C. Rogers & Colin Rogersym. |
Teoksen nimi | Bäcklund and Darboux Transformations - Geometry and Modern Applications in Soliton Theory |