Colby Buzzell : My War - Killing Time in Iraq

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"The experience of war has produced some extraordinary writing, classics of reporting and memoir. My War is destined to join that list. Colby Buzzell, a young private fresh from army training learnt the realities of war the hard way spending a year on the ground with the US Army in Iraq. y War is a startlingly honest story of a young man and a war. Trapped in guerrilla warfare, urban-style' in Mosul, Iraq, Buzzell was struck by the bizarre, absurd, often frightening world surrounding him. He began writing a blog describing the war not as recounted by CNN or official reports, but as seen by a soldier on the ground living through the chaos. The result is a powerful narrative of the fire-fights, fear and frustrations of modern war, unlike any you have ever read before. It is hard-hitting, brutally honest, laugh out loud funny in places, and full of great military action, but it also has a more serious side as we watch Buzzell's journey from gung-ho jarhead to battle-hardened, politically aware soldier. An extraordinary account of the war in Iraq. "

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TekijäColby Buzzell
Teoksen nimiMy War - Killing Time in Iraq
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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