Dipak Kumar Sen : Space, Time and Matter

33,00 €
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1. Space and time. 1.0. Introduction. 1.1. The hyperbolic structure of the space of relative velocities. 1.2. Relativistic kinematics on 3-manifolds. 1.3. Class of inertial observers and generalized Lorentz matrices. 1.4. Classical relativistic field dynamics. 1.5. Relativistic field dynamics on 3-manifolds. 1.6. Flat-space solutions. 1.7. The de Sitter solution. 1.8. A new solution of the vacuum Einstein field equations. 1.9. A solution of mathematical interest. 1.10. The Schwarzschild solution. 1.11. From space-time 4-metric to 3-metric and 3-vector field. 1.12. The Kerr solution. 1.13. The Maxwell equations -- 2. Matter. 2.0. Introduction. 2.1. The photon and the Weyl neutrinos. 2.2. A neutrino theory of matter

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TekijäDipak Kumar Sen
Teoksen nimiSpace, Time and Matter
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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