Géza Szilvay : Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book F

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The extensive Colourstrings Violin Book F of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors includes a wealth of repertoire for young violin players. Book F is suitable as an exercise and repertoire volume for all the violin students and pedagogues, also without Colourstrings method background. In 120 pages etudes and many kinds of exercises alternate with excerpts from the violin literature, folk music, duos, and trios. There are also 20 performance pieces from 17 composers (piano accompaniment available as a separate edition, ISMN 9790550096424). All the contents are divided to sections titled as Special positions of the stopping fingers (eg. half position), Chromaticism, Enharmonics, Playing on two strings, Double stops, and the Modes. Have a look on the sample pages for more information!

The performance pieces included in the Colourstrings Violin ABC Book F:
Bononcini: Rondo
Wohlfahrt: Cantabile
Schumann: Souvenir
Glinka: Waltz (from opera “Ivan Susanin”)
Puccini: Crisantemi
Padre Martini: Minuet
Beethoven: Sonatina in C minor; Love Song
Iljina: Seesaw
Lully: Gavotte and Musette
Tallis: Hymn
Takács: Bagpipe
Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 5
Malmstén: Lullaby and Variations
Pahta: Bells
Telemann: Concerto in A minor
Loránd: Round Dance
Chailley: My Dear; Sunset; Sad Bell

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TekijäGéza Szilvay
Teoksen nimiColourstrings Violin ABC: Book F
AvainsanatColourstrings, Etydit, Viulukoulut, Viulumusiikki
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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