Jouni Marjanen & Antti Savinainen & Jouko Sorvali : From Death to Rebirth

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Through the ages there have been stories about people who have visited the abode of the death. These people, seers, and sages of different cultures, have reported what they have seen there. One of them was a Finnish spiritual teacher Pekka Ervast (1875-1934).

This book contains Ervast's teachings on the afterlife: He tells of the phases and states people will undergo after they pass through the door of death.

Ervast had a profound spiritual awakening at the age of twenty. He then became a pioneer of the Finnish theosophical movement. A brief outline of his life is available at

Ervast wrote and lectured regularly for over 30 years on the multitude of spiritual topics. Some of his books have been published in English: e.g., The Sermon on the Mount, or the Key to Christianity; "H. P. B.": Four Episodes from the Life of the Sphinx of the Nineteenth Century; The Key to the Kalevala; The Divine Seed: The Esoteric Teachings of Jesus.

Jouni Marjanen is a member of the Finnish theosophical group "Ihmisyyden tunnustajat", and he lives in the Väinöla Commune in Vilppula, Finland. He acts as an editor-in-chief of the Finnish theosophical quarterly magazine "Väinämöinen". Mr. Marjanen has authored several books: e.g., "Mahatmat Kuthumi ja Morya, teosofisen liikkeen mestarit". 1996, 2nd revised edition 2012) ["Mahatmas Kuthumi and Morya, the Masters of the Theosophical Movement"].

Antti Savinainen, PhD, is a Finnish high-school physics instructor. He has been a member of the Finnish Rosy Cross (founded by Mr. Pekka Ervast in 1920), a part of the Finnish Theosophical movement, for over thirty years. He is especially interested in the relationship between Theosophy and Science.

Jouko Sorvali is a retired software designer, who studied Philosophy and Information science in the University of Tampere. His first contact to Theosophy occurred in 1975 when he read articles written by Madame H. P. Blavatsky. Mr. Sorvali has been a keen student of the teachings of Mr. Pekka Ervast since 1981, when he joined the Christosophical movement. Ervast called his teachings Christosophy or Rosicrucian Theosophy.

TekijäJouni Marjanen & Antti Savinainen & Jouko Sorvali
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Teoksen nimiFrom Death to Rebirth
AlkuteosKuolema ja kuolemanjälkeinen elämä - otteita Pekka Ervastin esitelmistä ja kirjoituksista
AvainsanatAfterlife, Theosophy, Astral World, Karma, Reincarnation
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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