Pat Floyd Garrett : The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid - The Noted Desperado of the Southwest, Whose Deeds of Daring and Blood Made His Name a Terror in New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Mexico

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Of all firsthand accounts of lawlessness in the old Southwest, none is more fascinating than Pat F. Garrett’s The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid. First published in 1882, a year after Sheriff Garrett killed the Kid, "the bravest and most feared’ gunman of the Lincoln County, New Mexico, cattle war, it is at once the most authoritative biography of William H. Bonney and the foundation of the Billy the Kid legend.

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TekijäPat Floyd Garrett
Teoksen nimiThe Authentic Life of Billy the Kid - The Noted Desperado of the Southwest, Whose Deeds of Daring and Blood Made His Name a Terror in New Mexico, Arizona, and Northern Mexico
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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