Robert L. Bryant & Phillip Griffithsym. : Exterior Differential Systems and Euler-Lagrange Partial Differential Equations

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In Exterior Differential Systems, the authors present the results of their ongoing development of a theory of the geometry of differential equations, focusing especially on Lagrangians and Poincaré-Cartan forms. They also cover certain aspects of the theory of exterior differential systems, which provides the language and techniques for the entire study. Because it plays a central role in uncovering geometric properties of differential equations, the method of equivalence is particularly emphasized. In addition, the authors discuss conformally invariant systems at length, including results on the classification and application of symmetries and conservation laws. The book also covers the Second Variation, Euler-Lagrange PDE systems, and higher-order conservation laws. This timely synthesis of partial differential equations and differential geometry will be of fundamental importance to both students and experienced researchers working in geometric analysis.

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TekijäRobert L. Bryant & Phillip Griffithsym.
Teoksen nimiExterior Differential Systems and Euler-Lagrange Partial Differential Equations
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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