Russell Snyder : Finland - It Works

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Finland's majestic forests, beautiful lakes, and spectacular archipelago have long attracted many admirers. Other fans have identified Finland with sauna expertise, pragmatic problem solving, pioneering architecture, and the home of Santa Claus.

In recent years, the country's successes have caught the eye of world media: Finland is always at the top of the list of countries that are most competitive, least corrupt, best in education, highly advanced in IT, uppermost quality in forestry expertise, aesthetic and functional in design, and unsurpassed in clean technology. This small country has also impressed the world with its heavy rock bands, computer games, and off-beat festivals.

Finland has been named the best overall country to live in, and Helsinki, the capital, has been highly praised in many international magazines. The country will undoubtedly face numerous new challenges in the future, but with the Finnish mixture of realistic and creative thinking, Finland will again end up in a leading position.

In the pages of "Finland - it works", you will discover many of the factors and qualities that make Finland such an extraordinary place. These reader-friendly texts are complemented by expressive, vivid, and isnpiring photos that take you right to the heart of the country.

TekijäRussell Snyder
Muut tekijätValokuvaaja: Esko Jämsä
Teoksen nimiFinland - It Works
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
Copyright © Finlandia Kirja