Stephen J. DeArmond & Madeline M. Fuscoym. : Structure of the Human Brain - A Photographic Atlas

14,50 €
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Long awaited, the Third Edition represents a thorough revision of this widely-used atlas. It takes into account the advances in computer-assisted brain-imaging techniques that do not restrict the plane of study and the recent progress in identifying and localizing putative neurotransmittersand neuromodulators in the brain. New sections offer coronal views of the gross brain and brain stem, biochemical neuroanatomy, magnetic resonance images, and recent computerized tomographic scans. In addition, many refinements have been made in the illustrations retained from earlier editions. Asbefore, only the highest quality photomicrographs have been included.

* Kuvausteksti saattaa koskea teoksen toista versiota. Kuvauksessa mainitut yksityiskohdat, kuten mahdolliset oheistuotteet, eivät välttämättä ole osa valitsemaasi teosta. Valitsemasi teoksen tarkat tiedot löytyvät alla olevasta ominaisuusluettelosta.

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