Suzana Pereira Nunes & Klaus-Viktor Peinemann : Membrane technology in the chemical industry

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Membrane Technology - a clean and energy saving alternative to traditional/conventional processes. Developed from a useful laboratory technique to a commercial separation technology, today it has widespread and rapidly expanding use in the chemical industry. It has established applications in areas such as hydrogen separation and recovery of organic vapors from process gas streams, and selective transport of organic solvents, and it is opening new perspectives for catalytic conversion in membrane reactors. Membrane technology provides a unique solution for industrial waste treatment and for controlled production of valuable chemicals. This book outlines several established applications of membranes in the chemical industry, reviews the available membranes and membrane processes for the field, and discusses the huge potential of this technology in chemical processes. Each chapter has been written by an international leading expert with extensive industrial experience in the field.

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TekijäSuzana Pereira Nunes & Klaus-Viktor Peinemann
Teoksen nimiMembrane technology in the chemical industry
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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